Nutrition and Herbal Medicine 

Clinical Nutritionist and Herbalist with a focus in natural and holistic medicine using the principle of "Vis medicatrix naturae" -The healing power of nature-

Special interest in:

Adrenal Fatigue/Thyroid abnormalities & Autoimmunity;

Anxiety & low mood;

Poor immune function & recurrent infections;

Women’s hormonal health;

Digestive conditions;

Skin health.

Nutrition and Herbal Medicine 

Clinical Nutritionist and Herbalist with a focus in natural and holistic medicine using the principle of "Vis medicatrix naturae" -The healing power of nature-

Special interest in:

Adrenal Fatigue/Thyroid abnormalities & Autoimmunity;

Anxiety & low mood;

Poor immune function & recurrent infections;

Women’s hormonal health;

Digestive conditions;

Skin health.


Contact & clinic information

Greensborough, 3088 AU
+61 400 325863